Freelancer: jeniroxy
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This is My Design

I have made the best for you, I made it a Modern Design. The layout that I can make can be easy for users, Please check and provide feedback as soon as possible. I am ready to work with you. Thank you

Intrarea #15 pentru concursul „                                                App user experience screen shot design

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  • donjohnson2011
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 5 ani

    Excellent high quality work addressing the brief in entirety - very well presented visually and excellent attention to detail. I like that you've included the "eye" for the password creation - it demonstrates that you've clearly completed projects like this in the past and your attention to detail and advanced UX goes beyond the client brief - well done!

    • acum 5 ani
    1. jeniroxy
      • acum 5 ani

      Thank you friend, I'm ready to work with you.

      see my portfolio:

      • acum 5 ani
    2. jeniroxy
      • acum 5 ani

      • acum 5 ani