Freelancer: naty2138
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Face painter 2

Hi Tamara, as you wish, I've made some changes - color scheme, font for "paints people", and spacing. Is this closer to your needs?

Intrarea #282 pentru concursul „                                                Design a Logo for a face painter
Intrarea #282

Panoul public de clarificare

  • tamaragarcia
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 9 ani

    Looks great! I love the font for "Tamara", I'd like to stick with that. The only small changes I'd like is that I prefer the colors to be flat as opposed to gradient, and I'd like to see the "paints people" as something like 277 or 281 - a very simple clean font in caps that aligns neatly with the first and last A's in "Tamara". I hope that makes sense!

    • acum 9 ani
    1. naty2138
      • acum 9 ani

      Please check #359 with changes you've required, thanks

      • acum 9 ani
    2. naty2138
      • acum 9 ani

      Flat color, no gradient and I changed font, hope you'll like it

      • acum 9 ani