Freelancer: FenixLeyenda
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ARA - Concept 01

Demo of concept website for Antimicrobial Resistance Alliance. Please take a look to the video: To see the effects and the website in action. I don't have the resources to upload it on a hosting so i used a local server and uploaded this video. Thank you and best regards

Intrarea #47 pentru concursul „                                                Design a website

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  • joannematthews30
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 5 ani

    Cesar! I watched your youtube clip - thank you so much for making it. So much easier to understand the functionality. I think my only concern is the "text heaviness" of the front page (which is likely my fault) and easily modified. So pleased with this. Thank you.

    • acum 5 ani
    1. FenixLeyenda
      • acum 5 ani

      Ranks and achievements, users will have badges and ranks on their profiles depending of how much contribution has done on the website, this is measured by number of posts, answers, etc.
      Auto rotative blog posts, to keep your blog fresh the website will auto rotate and publish posts so it doesn't stay on a forgotten archive.

      About changes, anything can be changed, even the layout, this is a live design i build on just a couple of hours, this is not a static theme as some others use, so it can be changed into any desired design and looks.
      I agree these numbers are scary, i know about resistance to antibiotics as my dad is a doctor on the field but i din't know about how big the numbers was, the script that show the numbers is something that i personally coded so the number can be changed easy, you just say how much and the script will be updated in just minutes, maybe i can even add to pulse or change to color red on the last numbers to make the feel of magnitude and urgency.

      • acum 5 ani
    2. FenixLeyenda
      • acum 5 ani

      Hope that clears your question but if you need something else just tell me :) and sorry about the multiple answers, but the limit of comments is set to 1000 characters

      • acum 5 ani