Freelancer: sheedaka
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Cleanup World Challenge - Lagos Nigeria @baentech

Our project location is situated in the heart of one of the busiest railway and motorway in Lagos, known as Agege Motorway. Our specific cleanup section was this large area that stood between the highway, the railway tracks, and the secondary roads leading to the residential parts of town. PREP WORK: As far as prepping for the cleanup a number of activities had to be checked off before we were going to able to work on the site, to include obtaining a number of permits from the Lagos state local government to clean the site and utilise the state’s garbage trucks for pickup. THE TEAM: This project was of great interest, primarily because we’ve never done anything like this, 2nd we thought it would be a great way to give back the community and 3rd we definitely wanted to contribute the global efforts and message of a cleaner planet. FACT SHEET: Team members: 8 women Prep time: 3 weeks (permits + logistics Filled over 32 bags,Hefty Load Contractor bags Over 1920Ibs of trash

Intrarea #700 pentru concursul „                                       $12,500 Clean up the World Challenge!
Intrarea #700

Panoul public de clarificare

  • sheedaka
    • acum 4 ani

    Thanks @mdrezaul for your comment/question. As mentioned in our post, the designated cleanup site was approved by the state and monitored by same. Also if you take a look at some of the footage and images, you'll notice a yellow mini motoped, the state officials were present in there observing all activities. We were very much ok. Here's a link to the footage...Cheers.

    • acum 4 ani
  • afrojarani73
    • acum 4 ani

    @Mdrezaul l.I teach kids that they are encouraged.

    • acum 4 ani
  • afrojarani73
    • acum 4 ani

    #Jawad A Please say, why do you think that

    • acum 4 ani
  • Rezaul420
    • acum 4 ani

    Hello friends,your work grate job but your work Place side road speed 40 kmps.

    • acum 4 ani