Freelancer: creativecoolmz
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Hi check out the video uploaded here Please give your feedback.will upload HD version soon.Thanks

Intrarea #2 pentru concursul „                                                I need to improve the design of an animated video

Panoul public de clarificare

  • creativecoolmz
    • acum 9 ani

    Hi,if you are interested you can buy my video to whatever price you ask am really interested in selling it

    • acum 9 ani
  • creativecoolmz
    • acum 9 ani

    is there any other suggestion that i need to improve?thanks for you feedback

    • acum 9 ani
  • creativecoolmz
    • acum 9 ani

    Dear contest holder i really feel so sad that i was unable to zoom out and show all the picture as you mentioned because i kept every image as a set and animated it.Please excuse us for this time.We really feel sorry this time.

    • acum 9 ani
  • btefilms
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 9 ani

    I'm curious, would you be able to provide a shot of how the screen might look if you zoomed out and showed all of the picture?

    • acum 9 ani
  • btefilms
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 9 ani

    Hi there, I really like what you've done here. The piece feels more "produced," which is what I was going for. I do need to think about it more... there feels like there's something missing. But otherwise this is has the level of quality I've been looking for.

    • acum 9 ani

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