Freelancer: michalkarwasz
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colouring delphin and poster

Hello ! I'm again with two examples of colouring, made with using two techniques and software. Both following your requirements. Every object (dolphin and poster) on separated layer. Colour, lights and shadows are together. I'm using professional pen tablet and professional softwares. Illustrating is one my favorite skill. Please check my portfolio. I'm heaving pressure for get my first job at ;-) Kind Regards Michal

Intrarea #41 pentru concursul „                                                Produce illustration (PSD) from pencil sketch - first piece, more to follow! $110 USD

Panoul public de clarificare

  • michalkarwasz
    • acum 5 ani

    Hi! Did my work qualify for the second round?
    Do I have a chance to color the whole illustration?
    I will be grateful for every answer.
    At least "Yes" or "No".

    • acum 5 ani