Freelancer: consultormarket1
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Social media management

Just the number of fans means nothing, if you don't interact with them. Creating an OMNICHANNEL strategy is the KEY to SUCCESS. We do exactly that with our Digital Social Media Manager (DSMM), Community Digital Marketing Manager (CDMM) services, we contribute to the construction of a good digital presence, which is decisive in the change of the purchase process. Social networks are one of the gateway to the website or blog. Dissemination and strengthening of the idea / brand. To be a communication channel with citizens / users / customers. Education through the dissemination of content. Projects, Proposals, Sales and Promotions. The Management of Social Networks is called Community Digital Marketing Manager ( CDMM) / Digital Social Media Manager (DSMM) and involves strategy and positioning, planning of publications, their execution, monitoring and survey of results. For all this to be done correctly, it is important to have a person who is dedicated exclusively to these channels.

Intrarea #25 pentru concursul „                                                Social media management

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  • consultormarket1
    • acum 2 ani

    Please check entry #25 , if you want more information about the project, please feel free to contact me via chat. Thank you very much.

    • acum 2 ani