Freelancer: johfrancov
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Estoy interesada en el concurso. envio nota de voz

Dear client, I'm happy to extend warm greetings from Colombia. My name is Johanna, I am currently in the city of Medellin. I have experience working as a Management Assistant, especially in the commercial area. It would be my pleasure to assist in this project. I have my own office and support staff if necessary. Currently I have availability of time to develop the necessary activities. My native lenguage is spanish, but I have a good english level especially reading and writing. Estoy intentando adjuntar un audio con el fin de aplicar de acuerdo a su requerimiento pero la pagina solo permite archivos JPG.

Intrarea #4 pentru concursul „                                                Translate a text from English to Spanish and make a voice recording in Spanish

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