Freelancer: Garpagan
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Two Logos - Garpagan

Here is my propositions, hope you like it! In Arbfaa Capital I used elements of old logo, but make it more like gemstone, to make it seem more premium quality. In Vilas Pinares logo I've make it similar to one of the villas on your site

Intrarea #26 pentru concursul „                                                Two new amazing logos

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  • qazqazie
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 5 ani

    FYI, you are the only person that seems to have read the specification. So well done for that.

    • acum 5 ani
  • qazqazie
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 5 ani

    For Villas, you are on the right track. I suggest to try a stencil drawing of one fo the villas instead. It might look nicer than the green and the brown for the windows. Also, the font for the text could be a bit more classic... the prices of these villas will be high.

    • acum 5 ani
  • qazqazie
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 5 ani

    hi Garpagan, thanks for the submission and the explanation. For Arbfaa, i will think about it.

    • acum 5 ani