Freelancer: adi2381
Semnalează intrarea


Here's another design, clean and minimal. There are two images in this entry, please check both. Thank you.

Intrarea #110 pentru concursul „                                                Urgent Logo needed
Intrarea #110

Panoul public de clarificare

  • Zyoudyy
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 5 ani

    His company name changed to PAXSON
    AND he is lookign for a simple one just for PAXSON word non-icon,image to used in

    • acum 5 ani
    1. adi2381
      • acum 5 ani

      #139 and #140 please check and give feedback, thank you.

      • acum 5 ani
    2. adi2381
      • acum 5 ani

      should i submit the same entry, with P replaced and name as "Paxson"? because you didn't like the previous ones where i tried to make the "P" a ribbon

      • acum 5 ani