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Effective Appointment Scheduling System

To help you better understand the proposed algorithm, I have included a diagram that illustrates the key components of the system. The diagram shows the various inputs, such as appointment locations, working area, and urgency level, as well as the steps involved in calculating the driving distance and duration between locations, filtering out appointments outside of the working area, and sorting the remaining appointments by distance and urgency level.Additionally, the algorithm will consider factors such as earliest start time for the next appointment, working hours, and minimum buffer time to ensure that appointments are scheduled in the most efficient and convenient manner possible. The user will be able to select an appointment from the list of available options and schedule it with ease. I am confident that my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate for this position. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further with you.

Intrarea #4 pentru concursul „                                                Develop Javascript Algorithm for Scheduling System

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