Expand our Company's Color Palette

  • Stare: Closed
  • Premiu: $100
  • Intrări primite: 35
  • Câștigător: MehdiToo

Sumarul concursului

This contest is to expand our color palette to no less than 24 colors. Right now we have five company colors and we need a color palette that includes the six main colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) plus some more neutral shades of nearly black, nearly white, greys, and browns. It's important to me that the colors aren't just standard colors, but something unique and that they all feel like they go together.

There are the five colors we have. The most important one is that the green color (#8cc53f) stays the same, you may change the others. Thank you and I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Green: #8cc53f R. 140 G. 197 B. 63
Lighter Blue: # 3b7193 R. 59 G. 113 B. 147
Darker Blue: # 002b46 R. 0 G. 43 B. 70
Darker Gray: # 9b9ea3 R. 155 G. 158 B. 163
Lighter Gray: # ebedf0 R. 235 G. 237 B. 240

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Imagine de profil tpdenver, United States.

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Panoul public de clarificare

  • HUOO0
    • acum 3 ani

    You still had 2 days and I was about to submit another entry but you have already chosen the winner. You could have had more options. I have my palette ready, also it seems you could have considered that.

    • acum 3 ani
  • tpdenver
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 3 ani

    To clarify on what a color palette is, here is an example: https://www.google.com/search?q=color+palette&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS832US832&sxsrf=ALeKk01Y4Ikoa_avqpa9qGHP1OPbxhdDsQ:1590787569563&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUs_y_gdrpAhUNG80KHeWPCxoQ_AUoAXoECBAQAw&biw=1600&bih=757

    • acum 3 ani
    1. tpdenver
      Titularul concursului
      • acum 3 ani

      Green: #8cc53f R. 140 G. 197 B. 63

      • acum 3 ani
    2. tpdenver
      Titularul concursului
      • acum 3 ani

      I realize that this is an unusual contest, so I suggest submitting a color palette like this and I will give you guidance. For 24 colors, be sure to use the six main colors. This should give you three reds, three oranges, etc. (have a light, normal, and dark version). Try mixing in some grey or brown to get a nice color. This would be 18 of the colors. Then add 6 more that are neutral colors (a near white, near black, two more shades of grey, two of brown).

      • acum 3 ani

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