Freelancer: Nica3D
Semnalează intrarea

Entry # 1

Hello this is my first entry, interior design of the entrance, office, production area and coffee area, use wood and a shade of green that I saw on the website, if I can improve something of this proposal you can tell me and I can do the changes you need.

Intrarea #6 pentru concursul „                                                interior design factory

Panoul public de clarificare

  • Nica3D
    • acum 5 ani

    Please rate my entry and tell me if I can improve something or prepare another proposal.

    • acum 5 ani
  • Nica3D
    • acum 5 ani

    • acum 5 ani
    1. Nica3D
      • acum 5 ani

      HD IMAGE

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