Freelancer: Iddisurz
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Surf Shack Radio Logo

Update Surf Shack Radio logo, here' I provide the logo with 3 option, with surfborad, palm tree and both. Please let me know if more adjusment needed. feedback welcomed. Many thanks.

Intrarea #148 pentru concursul „                                                Design a Logo for Surf Shack Radio
Intrarea #148

Panoul public de clarificare

  • gmoney4691
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 9 ani


    • acum 9 ani
    1. Iddisurz
      • acum 9 ani

      Hi, Yes of course. any changes and adjusment can be made surely. and now I'm go to revise the logo as you mention above. with pleasure to do.

      • acum 9 ani
    2. gmoney4691
      Titularul concursului
      • acum 9 ani

      Excellent. I think these changes will allow us to wrap up this contest :)

      • acum 9 ani