Build Loyal Customer Base as a Freelancer
Even the most successful freelancers tend to face problems with building client relationships. Find tips on how to create your loyal clients base.
...a startup to support two independent caterers who need a simple, functional website to promote their culinary skills and manage their services. We’re looking for a developer to build a prototype with the following features: • Profile Pages: Bios, contact info, image galleries, and customizable menus. • Interactive Calendar: Caterers can schedule their events and plan availability dates. • Customer Accounts: Login/registration to save favorites, manage bookings, and view orders. • Contact form: a way for customers to directly contact the caterers without customers logging in. • Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimized for mobile users. • Admin Panel: A basic dashboard to oversee activity and manage users. We are aiming to complete the prototyp...
...Play Store after completing the update process, ensuring it is available for download by a broader audience. This update is crucial not only for current users who have transitioned to Android 14 but also for new users who will be operating on this platform. As technology advances and users increasingly migrate to the latest Android version, maintaining app compatibility is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction, retaining market share, and expanding our user base. 2. Technical Requirements The PCISV app was initially developed using Ionic, a popular open-source mobile app development framework based on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This framework enables developers to create cross-platform apps that function seamlessly on both Android and iOS. Howev...
Descrierea Jobului: Căutam un agent de suport extraordinar, specializat pe ecommerce, care să ne ajute să maximizăm vânzăr...găsească altcineva o soluție Abilitatea de a atenua situații dificile cu clienții și soluționarea lor în mod amiabil Poate dedica un loc linistit pentru munca online și are acces la calculator Candidatul ideal este confortabil să poate asista clienți prin apel telefonic și să recupereze o mare parte a vânzărilor care nu au fost concluzionate inițial Experiență necesară: 2+ ani de experiență în customer service sau vânzări în comerț online Experiență precedentă în munca cu software online de tip Slack, Asana, Google Drive, Wordpress/Woocommerce, Zoom, Live Agent etc. Preferăm să lucrăm cu persoane de tip freelance...
Buna ziua Alexandra. Suntem o firma din Madrid (Spania) care vindem produse in Romania si avem nevoie de o persoana pentru a prelua Customer Service. Daca doresti sa discutam mai in detaliu, scrie-mi pe chat te rog. (Budget este discutabil)
Buna ziua Alexandra. Suntem o firma din Madrid (Spania) care vindem produse in Romania si avem nevoie de o persoana pentru a prelua Customer Service. Daca doresti sa discutam mai in detaliu, scrie-mi pe chat te rog. (Budget este discutabil)
Abilitați dе relaționare prin telefon - timp dе minim 6 ore/zi - Abilitați foarte bune dе utilizare a calculatorului si dе procesare electronica a datelor; - Cunoștințe dе baza a pachetului Microsoft Office (Word, Excel); - Foarte Bune abilitați dе comunicare, negociere si orientare spre client; - Capacitate dе concentrare si analiza, atenție la detalii; - Experienta in Customer Service constituie un avantaj; - Cunostinte operare CRM reprezinta un avantaj; Descrierea jobului Preluаre/ inițiеre аpеluri telefonicе si opеrаrеa in sistemul informаtic Crеarе si vеrificare in CRM; Soluționarеa solicitărilor clienților Furnizarеa dе informаții cu privirе lа serviciile companiei Contactarea clienților în vederea clarificării unor detalii Colaborare pe baza de contract pentru prestare...
Taskuri: - Identificarea oportunitatilor pentru backlink-uri de calitate conform documentatiei pusa la dispozitie - Contactarea surselor identificate (email/telefon) si negocierea backlink-urilor - Customer support (1-2 ore pe saptamana) - moderarea comentariilor postate pe site, a emailurilor, comentarii pe paginile de socializare, etc., de asemenea conform documentatiei pusa la dispozitie - Alte taskuri similare, daca este cazul
Buna Alina, Tocmai am descoperit profilul tau. Oare mai esti interesata de o colaborare pe aceasta platforma? Eu caut pe cineva care sa se ocupe de customer care si/ sau editare texte. Daca esti interesata putem discuta mai multe detalii. Numai bine.
Buna Vladislav, Caut pe cineva care sa preia o parte dintre atributiile de administrator firma (o editura din Cluj-Napoca) si customer service. Este un job cu program flexibil, part-time sau full time (in functie de cum ai si tu timp). Ai fi interesat? Multumesc.
Buna Iuditha, Oare in ce oras esti studenta? Caut pe cineva care sa preia o parte dintre atributiile de administrator firma (o editura din Cluj-Napoca) si customer service. Este un job cu program flexibil, part-time sau full time (in functie de cum ai si tu timp). Ai fi interesata? Multumesc.
...noastra, 3. pe baza briefului de creatie, interviului si cercetarii, de elaborat urmatoarele texte pentru strategia de brand: - Brand Elevator Speech - Brand Key Differentiators - Brand Messaging Strategy - Brand Mission - Brand Personality - Brand Positioning Statement - Brand Promise - Brand Slogan - Brand Value Proposition - Brand Values - Brand Vision - Brand Voice - Call To Action - Ideal Customer Profile - Unique Selling Proposition 4. elaborat arhitectura site-ului pentru planificarea continutului (stabilirea volumului, ierarhiei si pozitiei textelor in structura sitului si in pagini), 5. scris maxim 7500 caractere pentru site (prezentarea firmei, produselor, echipei, istoriei etc.), in acord cu tonalitatea si strategia brandului si cu structura stabilita, Talentul la scr...
Salutare Suntem un startup - mobilena - o platforma de comenzi online de mobila. Despre ce vei face Tu vei reprezenta compania pentru clientii nostrii comunicand direct cu clien...compus din mai multe sesiuni. Vei semna un acord de confidentialitate al informatiilor primite in cadrul trainingului si ulterior, in care te angajezi sa folosesti informatiile primite doar in interesul companiei sau sa transmiti aceste informatii altor persoane. Daca crezi ca poti face fata, ti se potriveste si nu te sperie intrebarile pe care le gasesti aici - si la care poti sa raspunzi in romana, si nici ideea de a iti face cont acolo, (te rog sa si aplici direct pe acolo ) abia astept sa vorbim mai multe .
Salut Andreea, ce faci? Sunt Calin, locuiesc din Sibiu si caut cineva pentru o colaborare de lunga durata. Sunt mai mutle taskuri pt un site care vinde mobila. Adaugare produse noi in site, inclusiv descrieri, procesare comenzi, Customer care ( telefonic, email, facebook). Depinde ce ti se potriveste. Nu trebuie sa le faci pe toate :-) ma gasesti pe g mail la chiscalin- Cu bine Calin chiscalin@ 0772 239 396
Buna Andra, In curand vom lansa un webshop cu diferite produse inteligente pentru case smart. Caut un copy/content writer pe termen mai lung deoarece pe viitor vom lansa si un blog de specialitate. Insa in prima faza as avea nevoie de content writer pentru descrierea si prezentarea pro...curand vom lansa un webshop cu diferite produse inteligente pentru case smart. Caut un copy/content writer pe termen mai lung deoarece pe viitor vom lansa si un blog de specialitate. Insa in prima faza as avea nevoie de content writer pentru descrierea si prezentarea produselor. Prezentarea pe scurt o am deja dar doresc sa am un content cat mai relevant dpdv SEO, marketing si sa fie totodata si customer friendly. As vrea sa stiu daca daca oportunitatea ar fi relevanta pentru tine. Multumesc,...
Firma de contabilitate EXPERT MIND SRL cauta un freelancer in vederea implementarii unei aplicatii proprii de tip CRM. Cunostinte necesare : Java script, HTML, CSS, PHP, Baze de date MY SQL Familiarizat cu Framework-urile, jQuery, Wordpress, Joomla. Detalierea proiectului : - Contribuirea la programarea unei aplicatii, Customer Relationship Management (CRM). - Solutionarea problemelor aparute ulterior implementarii;
...(compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their database in their account on our site, and also they can request us to make a website for them as well. customer/business client registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory and only shown if business client) - lan line number (compulsory if business client) - mobile number (compulsory) - ID number of the registrar (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory and only shown if business client) - fax number (compulsory and only shown if business clie...
...(compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their database in their account on our site, and also they can request us to make a website for them as well. customer/business client registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory and only shown if business client) - lan line number (compulsory if business client) - mobile number (compulsory) - ID number of the registrar (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory and only shown if business client) - fax number (compulsory and only shown if business clie...
As avea nevoie de ajutor pentru adresarea in timp util a comentariilor pe 3 conturi de Facebook, precum si a emailurilor venite din formularul de contact . As include aici si chat-ul in timp real de pe una din paginile administrate. Nu este volum mare de munca, dar am nevoie de disponibilitate foarte rapida in momentul cand apare o solicitare. Daca sunt necesare mai multe detalii, stau la dispozitie pe chat. As avea nevoie de o estimare a costurilor, si ce interval orar ai/ati putea acoperi . Multumesc si spor la licitat !
Sunt interesat de un customer site de vanzari online mai complex si bine structurat, inclusiv cu live chat si multe alte optiuni ce nu se regasesc pe platformele bine cunoscute.
O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following information: For example, category in this pro.../B00P12ALFG/ref=zg_bs_apparel_home_3?pf_rd_p=1286245182&pf_rd_s=center-6&pf_rd_t=2101&pf_rd_i=home&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0K3BA8JW8BKEYS8C673G I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sample first in Excel format. Thank you
Customer Support pentru mai multe companii multinationale. Proiecte in limba germana, cu program de lucru part time si full time. Salariu motivant.
I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - odata gasita o...
Salut, caut pe cineva care stie sa faca un program (script) sau orice ar fi el, de adaugat vizualizari pe youtube, daca sunt si High Retention (adica scriptul sa faca in asa fel incat cei ce vizualizeaza video-ul meu sa fie peste 80% e si mai bine). Precizez ca daca YouTube da updated si scriptul sau softul nu mai functioneaza, doresc sa fie refacut asa incat sa mearga din nou. Astept ofertele pe care le aveti si vom vorbi in functie de pret. a selecta locatii de publicitate necesare. - Auto-administreze și să plătească pentru aceste anunțuri. - Încărcați și de a gestiona Cateva detalii suplimentare: 1. Free to register 2. Register user and provider 3. must be simple and friendly use 4. Providers needs to be verified once registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in reverse order like Shiply or Uship 13. Automatic create report 14. Bid Calculator for providers to calculate their net earning after our fees (Please see Uship). * 15. Message s...
sal man am nevoie de un script pentru youtube high retention views . contacteaza ma pe georgemarola - messenger yahoo
Salut, Am nevoie de traduceri din romana in franceza pentru site-uri personale care sunt in domeniul software de business. Subiecte abordate: - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - software de business - software de facturare - software de management al unei companii etc Am nevoie de un colaborator (aproape) permanent pe limba franceza care sa poata sa ma ajute constant pe partea aceasta. In aplicatie te rog sa incluzi pretul per pagina, disponibilitatea de lucru (ore/saptamana) si daca detii vreo certificare pe limba franceza. Astept cu interes propunerile voastre.
Salut, Am nevoie sa traduc mai multe site-uri din romana...recrutare Solutii pentru agentii de turism Solutii pentru specialisti in marketing Mai multe detalii o sa primiti pe mesaj privat. Aplicati doar daca sunteti vorbitori nativi de romana si intelegeti bine limba engleza. O certificare de limba engleza va fi necesara in cazul unei colaborari pe termen mai lung. Pentru a aplica va rog sa trimiteti 2 propozitii despre ce este acela un CRM (Customer Relationship Management) folosind propriile cuvinte in limba engleza. De asemenea va rog sa mentionati pretul per pagina de traducere pe care il acceptati. Un scurt interviu telefonic poate sa fie cerut pentru a clarifica pe termen lung o potentiala colaborare. Toata aplicatia in afara celor 2 fraze poate fi in lim...
...between them ? CPQ System Integration – Custom pricing, configuration, and quote management ? Checkout & Payment Processing – Standard e-commerce workflows ? CRM & Database Sync – Integration with Zoho CRM (or other systems) for real-time updates ? Order & Inventory Management – Tracking and fulfillment integration ? Marketing KPI Tracking & Analytics – Conversion tracking Abandoned cart recovery Customer segmentation & lifetime value tracking Campaign performance monitoring ? API & Integration Points – Define how the platform will interact with third-party systems ? Security & Compliance – Data integrity, access controls, and industry compliance standards What We Need from You: ? Create a detailed yet open-en...
...are looking for a dynamic and fluent Telecaller who can communicate effectively in English, Kannada, and Telugu. The ideal candidate will be responsible for handling customer calls, explaining our services, and converting potential leads into customers. Key Responsibilities: Make outbound calls to potential clients and explain our services. Answer inbound customer queries professionally. Follow up with leads and assist in closing sales. Provide excellent customer service to enhance client satisfaction. Requirements: Strong verbal communication skills in English, Kannada, and Telugu. Prior experience in telecalling, customer support, or sales is a plus. Ability to handle rejection and remain positive. Salary & Benefits: Competitive salary based on exp...
I need a Shopify-based website for selling window roller shades. The site should have a single category featuring multiple colors, patterns and options. A pricing matrix according to size is essential. Key features include: - Shopping cart and client account setup - Customer segmentation and sales reporting features in CRM - Live chat with real agents for customer support - Comprehensive payment system - Website traffic and order tracking capabilities The site should be responsive, user-friendly, and compatible with both mobile and desktop devices. I'm looking for a professional with: - Proficiency in Shopify - Experience in e-commerce site development for window treatments - Knowledge of SEO and digital marketing for ongoing site promotion and visibility enhancemen...
I'm looking for a skilled developer with experience in building CRMs and using AI coding tools such as GitHub Copilot, Cursor, and Bolt. The CRM should include features for Customer Management, Sales Tracking, and Support Ticketing. Key Features: - Customer Management: The CRM should effectively track and manage customer interactions and data. - Sales Tracking: It should monitor sales activities and performance. - Support Ticketing: The system should handle customer service requests and track resolutions. Integration Requirements: - I need RESTful APIs to be integrated within the CRM for various functionalities, including GET and POST requests. - Proficiency in implementing OAuth for secure API requests is essential. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience...
I'm looking for a professional web develop...for a professional web developer to create a classic and elegant used car dealership website. The website will be hosted on my own server, and I already have a domain. Key Features: - A user-friendly customer interface with: - A comprehensive car search and filter functionality - An online booking and test drive scheduling system Website Pages: - The site should include the following pages: - Home - About Us - Contact Us - Inventory Ideal Skills: - A strong background in web development and design, with a portfolio of classic and elegant sites - Experience with ecommerce and customer interface design - Knowledge of SEO best practices for car dealership websites - Able to ensure a responsive design for mobile and...
I'm seeking an expert to integrate both Email and WhatsApp with my Zoho CRM for a customer acquisition campaign. Key Requirements: - Set up automated email campaigns through the Zoho CRM. These should be designed to help with customer acquisition. - Implement the integration with WhatsApp to send automated messages to potential customers. - The ideal candidate would have a strong understanding of both Zoho CRM and APIs for Email and WhatsApp. - Previous experience with customer acquisition campaigns would be a significant advantage. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
...available). Your hourly rate or payment structure, along with any additional terms for lead conversion or targets. Any CRM tools you are familiar with and how you track leads and follow-ups. We look forward to finding a talented freelancer who can help us take our business to the next level! Skills: Telemarketing Lead Generation Cold Calling Sales and Outreach CRM Management Appointment Scheduling Customer Service...
...approach: leveraging existing BigCommerce integrations versus a fully custom headless solution. Deliver a detailed project plan and technical proposal outlining both options. Platform Development: Multi-Vendor Capabilities: Develop features that allow multiple hemp vendors to register, manage their storefronts, and list products with rich multimedia content. Wholesale & Customer Segmentation: Utilize BigCommerce’s native customer groups and custom pricing to support wholesale buyer accounts. Order & Payment Workflows: Implement order management features that include payment verification/escrow processes, and integrate multiple payment gateways, including crypto payment options (e.g., Coinbase Commerce, BitPay). Frontend Development (Headless Option): Develop...
I'm looking to build an AI voice bot with AWS Bedrock. The primary task of this bot is to perform auto triaging of customer and technical support inquiries over phone calls. It will also help to book appointment. Key Requirements: - The bot should be able to handle both customer support and technical support inquiries. - It needs to communicate effectively in English, Chinese, and Malay. - Experience with AWS Bedrock and open Ai api is a must. - Prior experience in creating voice bots for phone calls is highly preferred. - Understanding of AI and machine learning principles will be an added advantage. This is meant to be a prototype and four weeks project. The aws account and open ai account will be provided. Your expertise in these areas will ensure the succes... a Shopify store focused on Electronics and Gadgets. The store should include features such as product reviews, live chat support, and customer account creation. Key responsibilities: - Build a fully functional Shopify store selling electronics and gadgets. - Integrate features like product reviews, live chat support, and customer account creation. - Set up an inventory management system from scratch. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in Shopify store development. - Familiarity with the electronics and gadgets market. - Prior experience in setting up inventory management systems. - Excellent understanding of implementing customer support features into e-commerce platforms. The goal is to have an engaging, user-friendly, and fully equipped Sho...
I need a freelancer who can design professional Adobe PDF documents for me to use as job documents, business foms. These documents should be capable of incorporating my company logo and will include a mix of text, images, and tables. I only need one that I can re-use. The fields identified as customer I would like to be editable (populated for each job/project) Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Adobe PDF design - Experience with creating professional, corporate documents - Ability to incorporate logos and other brand elements Additional Considerations: - I'm not certain if these will need to have editable fields for future updates or if they will be static documents. Therefore, I would appreciate a freelancer who can provide guidance on this aspect, based on their ex...
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...retrieve order details from a database. 2. MoneyRobot Automation Automate the execution of MoneyRobot campaigns based on order details. Ensure proper configuration of projects (URLs, keywords, anchor texts, etc.). Track campaign progress and detect completion. 3. Result Collection & Delivery Retrieve the backlinks or reports from MoneyRobot upon completion. Automatically send the reports to the customer via email or provide a downloadable link in their dashboard. 4. Payment & Security Integration Ensure secure handling of order processing and prevent duplicate executions. Log all executed tasks for transparency. Technical Skills Required: ✅ Experience with automation tools (AutoHotkey, Selenium, or similar). ✅ Python, PHP, or other scripting languages for automati...
...COMPLETELY PLEASE READ COMPLETELY PLEASE READ COMPLETELY ? JOB OPPORTUNITY: B2B Lead Generation & Email List Scraper for AI SaaS Expansion ? PLEASE READ COMPLETELY BEFORE APPLYING We are seeking an experienced B2B Lead Generation Specialist to help us build a high-quality, verified email list of decision-makers in key industries for outreach. Our AI-powered SaaS product is designed to automate customer interactions and streamline business operations, and we are expanding into global markets. This role has the potential to be long-term if the leads provided are high quality and generate real business opportunities. ? Job Overview Your primary responsibility will be to scrape, verify, and deliver accurate B2B email lists targeting businesses that need AI-driven automati...
...suitable offer. 2. Smart Price Calculator: • A dynamic tool to calculate service costs based on parameters like distance, number of items, or area size. • Instant price offers from multiple service providers are displayed. 3. Automated Contract System: • Upon selecting a service, the system generates a digital contract that includes all service details. • Copies of the contract are sent to the customer, provider, and platform administrators. • Integration of a digital signature or electronic confirmation system. 4. Order Management: • Customers can track their order status in real-time. • Service providers can update the status through their control panel. 5. E-commerce Integration: • A section to sell transportation supplies (e...
...students alike. What I Need: Page Revamp: Fresh, attractive design with appropriate branding elements (cover photo, profile image, and page layout). Content Optimization: Revise the page's "About" section, services, and other details to clearly communicate my company's value. SEO and Page Optimization: Ensure the page ranks better on search and appears credible to visitors. Customer Engagement: Increase positive customer reviews and engagement while adhering to ethical standards. Content Ideas: Recommendations on future content and posting strategies to keep the page lively. Growth Strategy: Practical advice on increasing followers and driving traffic to the page. Requirements: Proven experience in Facebook page optimization for businesses. Strong de...
...determined) * Geolocation Services: Yandex Map API for distance and time calculations * Hosting: AWS, DigitalOcean, or similar (TBD) Backend Features List: 1. User Management User Registration & Authentication JWT-based authentication Email and password authentication OAuth2 integration (Google, Apple Login) (if feasible) Profile management (update name, phone, etc.) User Roles & Permissions Customer (Can browse places and order food) Restaurant/Market Owner (Can manage menu items and receive orders) Admin (Can manage the system) User Session Management Token refresh mechanism Logout API 2. Places (Markets, Restaurants) Management Fetch Nearby Places Retrieve nearby restaurants/markets based on user location Filter by: Distance Rating Cuisine type Sorting options (By p...
Are you ready to elevate customer engagement and streamline communication? I specialize in creating intelligent chatbots tailored to your business needs, whether for sales, educational support, or customer do I Offer:Sales Bots: Increase conversions with interactive sales bots that engage visitors, answer questions, and guide them through the purchasing Helplines: Provide instant support for students and parents with chatbots that answer FAQs, deliver course information, and assist with Development: Tailored chatbot solutions designed to integrate seamlessly with your website or messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Language Processing (NLP): Enhance user interactions with advanced NLP capabilities, making
I'm looking for a proficient app developer to create an on-demand mobile detailing app for both iOS and Android platforms. This app needs to have several core functionalities and user roles. Core Functionalities: - Booking Appointments: Users should be able to schedule detailing services at their convenience. - Customer Accounts: The app should support the creation and management of customer profiles. - Payment Processing: An integrated, secure payment system is a must. - Back End Dispatch Work: The app should efficiently dispatch tasks to car detailers in the back end. User Roles: - Customers: The primary users who will book and pay for services. - Detailers: The service providers who will receive and execute the tasks. - Administrators: A role for overseeing and mana...
...operation of our import-export business. This includes: - Documentation and Compliance: You will be responsible for preparing and managing all necessary documentation, ensuring full compliance with all relevant regulations and laws. - Inventory and Shipment Tracking: Keeping a close eye on our inventory and tracking all shipments will be key to maintaining our operational efficiency. - Vendor and Customer Coordination: Excellent communication skills will be necessary, as you will be liaising with both our vendors and customers. Ideal candidates for this role should possess: - Excellent English Proficiency: This is crucial for both written documentation and verbal communication. - Teamwork: You will be part of a larger team, so the ability to work well with others is essential....
...clean, modern, and well-structured. About US: ORDI is an innovative platform that helps restaurants and hotels streamline their daily operations. We provide advanced tools for online ordering, table reservations, and business management, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow. Our system includes a dedicated admin panel, client application, and API, offering seamless integration to enhance customer experience and operational efficiency. Business Card Requirements: Style: Professional, minimalist, and aesthetically refined. Format: Standard business card size (e.g., 85x55mm or 90x50mm). Color scheme: Typography: Clean and readable fonts. Information to Include: Personal Details Full Name Job Title Contact Information Phone Number Email
I need to create a web-to-print platform for online document printing. The website should be similar to The user uploads the file, the system displays a preview, calculates the number of pages, and the printing cost. Once the file is uploaded, the customer has the option to choose: - Paper type - Format - Number of copies Additionally, the customer can choose from various binding options. Based on the customer's selections, the price is automatically calculated. The website must be complete with a shopping cart and payment system. I would prefer a CMS like OpenCart, but other platforms would also be fine
...Place on a flat surface and secure with stakes & tethers. 2️⃣ **Plug In & Inflate**: Connect to a grounded outlet and turn on the blower. 3️⃣ **Enjoy the Game**: Show your team spirit in style! --- **Liability Disclaimer**: Brandit Bermuda is not responsible for injuries, damages, or property loss resulting from improper use, setup, or maintenance of this product. By using this inflatable, the customer assumes all risks associated with its use. Follow all local safety regulations and laws when setting up this inflatable. ? **Questions? Contact Us**: Brandit Bermuda Email: [Your email here] Website: []() --- **Color Scheme**: - Light Blue: Pantone 290 - Dark Blue: Pantone 296 --- Let me know if you need any further adjustments or clarifications
Even the most successful freelancers tend to face problems with building client relationships. Find tips on how to create your loyal clients base.
What does your business About Page look like?
The key to business success is customer loyalty, and this begins with your customer retention campaign.