Firefox cache listproiecte
Te rog să mă ajuți cu o aplicație android și un server node
Caut sa faca o aplicatie android tip to do list numita EUROBASGAZ, aceasta aplicatie o sa fie folosita de USER Master pentru a introduce comenzile primite de la clienti. Basuc user Master, Stefan, Alin, Ionut, Petrica si Cristi astia o sa fie useri normali. 1. Aplicatia va rula pe un server vps virgin ce trebuie configurat. 2. seteaza direct useri si parolele dupa cum urmeaza Basuc 8C@aractere Stefan nastas@ Alin mog@ Ionut b@diu Petrica c1rnu Cristi com@n 2. Din aplicatie se vor suna clienti cu Twilio. ‼️ userii normali nu trebuie sa vada numerele de telefon ale clientilor 3. la pornirea aplicatiei sa avem doua casute de introducere text , una pentru introducere Nume si folosita pentru a intorduce username si a doua numita Parola pentru a introduce password . su...
Buna Andreea conform discutiei avute :) îi vor fi atribuite, după ce a avut în vedere documentul de specificații funcționale și briefing-ul CTO. Pentru a fi confortabil în acest proiect, va fi necesar să aveți următoarele abilități: - Stăpânirea limbajului PHP și programarea orientată pe obiecte - Stăpânirea conceptelor generale ale Drupal (entitate, taxonomie etc.) - Stăpânire tehnică a API-urilor Drupal (entitate, formular, cache etc.) - Cunoașterea cadrului Bootstrap CSS - Stăpânirea limbajului JavaScript - Cunoașterea framework-ului Vue JS - Utilizarea soluției Git (GitLab) - Autonomie - Comunicare cu echipele (schimburi cu CTO și alți dezvoltatori) - Stare de spirit bună (Linkweb este o companie de dimensiune umană, foarte atașată de calitatea relațiilor di...
Doresc realizarea unui To Do list in google spreadsheets pentru organizarea task-urilor unei echipe. Sa includa un calendar, sa se poata repartiza si tine evidenta de task-uri incepand la de 5 min pana la 2-3 ore.
Bună, Cosmin P.. Ți-am remarcat profilul. Am lansat in live de curand un site pe magento si dupa trecere m-am ales cu ceva erori de functionare. Eroare cand dau empty la cache, eroare cand adaugi produsele in cos si cand te duci spre finalizare comanda dispar produsele din cos, ceva errori pe pagina de produs. Setarile custom ale temei nu se aplica in front end, etc. Ideea este ca sunt interesat de o curatare si mentenanta completa a website-ului. Astept un raspuns in acest sens. Site:
*Eliminați resursele JavaScript și CSS care blochează redarea conținutului din partea superioară a paginii *Acordați prioritate conținutului vizibil *Profitați de memoria cache a browserului *Minimizați dimensiunile fișierului CSS
Avem nevoie de un programator capabil sa realizeze o aplicatie in genul click2call de la Skype, numai ca dorim ca apelul sa fie efectuat direct de pe un telefon normal cu Android. Pe scurt am descrie ceea ce dorim, asa: face click pe numarul de telefon 2. Aplicatia recunoaste linkul si efectu...face click pe numarul de telefon 2. Aplicatia recunoaste linkul si efectueaza direct apelul pe telefon. 2.1 In cazul in care numarul de telefon este trecut complet, apelul va fi efectuat direct. 2.2 In cazul in care numarului de telefon ii lipseste prefixul, aplicatia va trebui sa recunoasca asta, si-l va adauga automat inainte de apelare. Precizari: folosite sunt Chrome,Firefox si Opera. respectiva are deja implementat link la numarul de telefon.
...folosită în scop educațional: predarea și învățarea elementelor de limbaj muzical, dar și analiză și audiție muzicală. Cerințe și Funcționalitate: 1. Aplicația web trebuie să funcționeze pe SO: Windows (de la v.7 în sus!) și Android (de la v.4.2 în sus!) cu posibilitate de extindere și pe sistemele iOS. 2. Aplicația web se va deschide într-o pagină de browser (preferate Google Chrome și Mozilla Firefox, în această ordine!), atât online cât și offline (intranet sau pe dispozitive externe: CD/DVD, HDD portabil sau Stick usb). 3. Tipul paginii web să fie de preferat php (care să includă coduri html5, xhtml, aspx, CSS, java, flash, etc – în funcție de scrierea codului sursă). 4. Structura paginii va fi tip frameset, div,etc ...
...folosită în scop educațional: predarea și învățarea elementelor de limbaj muzical, dar și analiză și audiție muzicală. Cerințe și Funcționalitate: 1. Aplicația web trebuie să funcționeze pe SO: Windows (de la v.7 în sus!) și Android (de la v.4.2 în sus!) cu posibilitate de extindere și pe sistemele iOS. 2. Aplicația web se va deschide într-o pagină de browser (preferate Google Chrome și Mozilla Firefox, în această ordine!), atât online cât și offline (intranet sau pe dispozitive externe: CD/DVD, HDD portabil sau Stick usb). 3. Tipul paginii web să fie de preferat php (care să includă coduri html5, xhtml, aspx, CSS, java, flash, etc – în funcție de scrierea codului sursă). 4. Structura paginii va fi tip frameset, div,etc ...
Cautam webdesigner cu cunostinte avansate html/css si bootstrap 3.2 . Se lucreaza de acasa iar plata se face bilunar. Part time sau full-time. Pentru detalii scrieti "ro" la inceputul mesajului si lasati linkul cu ultimele 2 situri create responsive cu bootstrap, compatibile cu chrome, firefox si ie8.
In pagina HOME din backoffice la verificare configuratie imi apar urmatoarele erori pe care as vrea sa le rezolv: X Cache & optimizare browser X Optimizare Smarty ! Combinare, Comprimare & Cache Pe langa cele de mai sus as mai dori sa configurez siteul (prestashop v1.5.3.1) asa incat sa apara bine si in internet explorer (acolo nu apar setarile css, imaginile si se incarca foarte greu in internet explorer 7, 8, 9)
...meniu cms 2 din admin adaugat - meniu: sa pot adauga si categorii daca doresc, si buton cms. - in stanga sa apara categoriile frumos ca in demo de sus - categorii: cand se va trece cu mousel peste o categorie principala , o sa se deschida in dreapta subcategoriile, iar in dreapta jos, poza aleasa atunci cand se creaza categoria din admin, sa apara aici ex: - in dreapta categoriilor sa existe un slider imagini cu text peste imagini si un buton cu link (tot din admin adaugate) - sub slider o casuta de cautare +categorii-subcategorii+producator si butonul cauta .. frumos aranjate cat tine acest slider - sub acestea ca in demo unde scrie best seller, vreau carusel cu ultimele produse adaugate - sub acestea
Salut, Avem o problema cu afisarea informatiei pe front end, problema este generata de sistemul de cache de la Magento. Cand se activeaza cache-ul anumite elemente care sunt page specific incep si se incarca pe alte pagini unde nu ar trebui. Magazinul nu este inca live. Daca te intereseaza assignment-ul si mai ai nevoie de alte informatii let me know. Toate cele bune, Victor Ivanus
Intr-un proiect VHDL sa se realizeze un simulator de memorie CACHE (cu mai multe politici de scriere si citire) care sa poata fi testat pe FPGA. Pretul si durata proiectului sunt orientative.
Se utilizează sistemul de dezvoltare cu FPGA Xilinx Spartan 3 produs de firma Altium și mediul de programare Visual C++ 2010 (pentru aplicația pe PC). Se dorește implementarea unui sistem complet care realizează emularea unui calculator cu memorie CACHE prezentă (interfață între procesor și memoria principală). Analiza propusă se va face pentru memoria cache total asociativă (fully associative) atât la preluarea instrucțiunilor cât și a datelor. Emularea sistemului se va face hardware, pe placa cu FPGA iar preluarea rezultatelor se va face prin intermediul portului serial RS232 care comunică cu calculatorul. Pe calculator va rula o aplicație de asemenea proiectată care va prezenta rezultatele. Pretul si durata de realizare sunt orientative!
Intr-un proiect VHDL sa se realizeze un simulator de memorie CACHE (cu mai multe politici de scriere si citire) care sa poata fi testat pe FPGA. Pretul si durata proiectului sunt orientative.
Avem nevoie de un plugin firefox (minim). Eventual si chrome, explorer.. etc. Pluginul va monitoriza utilizatorul in timp ce face browsing pe un site, si cand apasa anumite butoane de pe pagina html... se executa diferite executabile locale, in windows momentan. Deasemenea butoanele in html vor acea si un atribut suplimentar (ex "rel"="1:4,5:3") si acest paramentru trebuie trimis catre executabilul ce va fi executat: exemplu: in html avem: <button id="abc" rel="1:5,8:10,4:5"> Cand apas acest buton din site se executa local "C:demo -1:5,8:10,4:5" si nu face nici o actiune in html (ex. return false;) Pluginul trebuie sa fie configurabil: De exemplu adaug la monitorizare: "domeniu site", "id buton...
I'm looking for an experienced Flutter developer to create a minimalist iOS junk cleaning app with the following features: - Cache Cleaning: The app should be able to clean cache files efficiently. - Battery Saver: An additional feature to optimize battery usage. Key requirements for the project include: - Integration with a provided advertisement API (similar to AdMob). - A professional yet minimalistic user interface design. Ideal skills for this project would include: - Extensive experience with Flutter and iOS app development. - Previous experience with developing system junk cleaner apps. - Proficiency in implementing ad integrations into mobile applications. - Strong understanding and ability to create a minimalistic user interface.
As per our conversation, $500 for the first list, more to come The next job will follow within 24 hours after completion if all goes well
Seeking an experienced data scraper to gather contact details from housing providers and real estate companies in New Zealand. The project involves extracting names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses for up to 100 entries. Requirements: Proven experience in web scraping Familiarity with New Zealand real estate websites Knowledge of data privacy regulations Ability to provide structured, accurate data If you're skilled at sourcing high-quality, relevant contact information, please apply!
I'm looking for a freelancer who can convert a simple Photoshop file with six layers into a static, responsive HTML file optimized primarily for desktop viewing. The HTML file should be compatible with the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Key Details: - The HTML file should be strictly static, with no interactive elements. - The focus should be on desktop responsiveness. - The file needs to be compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML/CSS - Experience with responsive web design - Familiarity with cross-browser compatibility standards - Photoshop skills for interpreting the layers
I am seeking a skilled professional with expertise The task involves creating a test set that performs the following actions on a Windows operating system using the Firefox browser: - Open a specified website - Continuously refresh the page until a link to apply appears - Click on the 'apply' link whenever it appears The test will navigate through a total of 4 pages. Please note, there are no forms to fill out, just simple clicks. The URL for the test script will be provided manually. Ideal candidates should: - Have extensive experience with test automation tools like Katalon. - Be proficient in creating and executing test scripts. - Have a deep understanding of the Windows operating system and Firefox browser. - Be detail-oriented and able to fol...
...sessions on my Linux machine sessions without a user interface even for first time. below is the cache message we get - Running the Wine command in these sessions without a user interface. The host key is not cached for this server: xxxxxxxx (port 22) You have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is. The server's ssh-ed25519 key fingerprint is: ssh-ed25519 255 SHfzdfzkfzdofozjfozqbVXhDy6WKkVroaV6QwnKI If you trust this host, enter "y" to add the key to Plink's cache and carry on connecting. If you want to carry on connecting just once, without adding the key to the cache, enter "n". If you do not trust this host, press Return to abandon the connection. Store key in cache? (y/n, Return cancels connectio...
I would like an experienced firexfox extension programmer to build me a simple extension that will read a bunch of urls form a text file, and go to each of the url on a tab. After a specified number of seconds, the extension should automatically move to the next URL, continuing this process until all URLs have been visited. The goal is to automate the browsing of these URLs without the need for manual copying and pasting the url into browser. I've attached a detailed workflow for your reference. My budget for this project is approximately USD 70.
I'd like a website that lists a lot of contests, found on other sites (a contest is just a form they must enter in order to enter a contest). There are only 3 pages on this site: 1. the list of contests, that is found on the home page. There will be a short text above the contests list, and some dropdowns to filter the list of contests (like the country where they must be located to enter it). For each sweepstake there will be a description, a list of restrictions (like how old you must be, or what country you have to be from) and a link taking the user to it. All that data will be loaded from a MySQL database. 2. The contact page, which will be standard: some fields for the name, e-mail address, message and a captcha. 3. "About this website", whi...
...sync_products.add_w_id_to_erp', kwargs={}, method='woocommerceconnector.sync_products.add_w_id_to_erp', site='', user='Administrator') () pwd-frontend-1 | - - [08/Oct/2024:07:59:47 +0000] "POST /api/method/woocommerceconnector.api.sync_woocommerce_ids HTTP/1.0" 200 172 "https:///app/woocommerce-config/WooCommerce%20Config" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:131.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/131.0" pwd-queue-long-1 | 2024-10-08 07:59:47,924 [Job exception raised while executing (frappe.utils.background_jobs.execute_job) pwd-queue-long-1 | Traceback (most recent call last): pwd-queue-long-1 | File "/home/frappe/frappe-bench/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/rq/", line 1428, in perform_job pwd-queue-lo...
I'm looking for a freelancer to compile a list of family offices in Australia, specifically focusing on investment managers. The list should include 20-50 entries, containing names, contact phone numbers, and email addresses. Key details: - Primary source for information should be official websites, rather than online directories or social media platforms. - The finalized list needs to be delivered in an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in data gathering from official websites. - Experience with creating and organizing data in Excel. - A keen attention to detail, ensuring all information is accurate and up-to-date.
I need a freelancer experienced in web development to create a simple and clean web page featuring a list of electronic products. Key Requirements: - Create a straightforward and uncluttered design - Populate the page with a variety of electronic products - Ensure the page is user-friendly and easy to navigate Ideal Skills: - Web development and design - Understanding of electronics products - Experience in creating product list web pages
I need a feature/plugin for Firefox on MacOS that will automatically resume downloads in the event of an interruption. The ideal candidate for this task should have strong experience in software development, particularly with creating plugins for Firefox. Knowledge about MacOS and its functioning is a must. Please note, I am specifically interested in the auto-resume feature handling large files, such as videos and software. Please provide examples of similar projects you have worked on in your proposal.
I am in need of a skilled Python developer with extensive experience in using Pytest for test automation with Selenium WebDriver. The main focus will be automating multiple types of tests across di...Python developer with extensive experience in using Pytest for test automation with Selenium WebDriver. The main focus will be automating multiple types of tests across different web browsers. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement test scripts using Python and Selenium WebDriver - Automate UI tests, Functional tests, and Regression tests - Ensure compatibility of tests with Chrome and Firefox Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and Pytest - Extensive experience with Selenium WebDriver - Strong knowledge of UI, Functional, and Regression testing - Familiarity with cross-brows...
I need assistance copying a physical customer list into an Excel document. The list is organized alphabetically by customer business name and includes various details for each customer. Details of the project: - The customer list is physically organized in alphabetical order by business name - Each entry includes: name, description, address, city, state, zip code, country, and brief notes - The brief notes do not contain sensitive information - The project needs to be completed within three days Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in data entry and Excel - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines Please provide a quote for the cost of this project.
I'm in need of a comprehensive list of 10,000 fraud (phishing scam) domains specifically associated with Saudi Arabia for research purposes. The domains can be organized in any order. However, the list must include the domain name associated with each entry. Ideally, the freelancer for this project should have experience or understanding in cybersecurity, domain analysis, or similar research fields. Please only apply if you can provide a detailed, accurate list that meets these specifications. PROPSAL SHOULD CONTAIN A SAMPLE, OTHERWISE
I'm looking for someone to set up a cache page on Google and design a compelling advertisement for me. Key Requirements: - Design should incorporate Images and graphics, as well as Brand logos and colors. - Ad to be specifically tailored for Google Search. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Google cache page setup. - Proficient in graphic design. - Understanding of brand consistency in advertising.
I need an email marketing list targeting all types of businesses within 10 miles of TF9 4HY. The list should include the business name, email id, and telephone number. The primary purpose of this list is for client outreach and engagement. Key Requirements: - The list should encompass any type of business, be it retail, service providers, restaurants, or cafes. - It should also cover all types of service providers, including healthcare, home maintenance, and professional services such as legal or accounting. - Data must be accurate and up-to-date to ensure effective communication. - Experience in data scraping and email list generation is a plus. - Prior work with local business databases will be advantageous.
...developer to create a bash script for my Ubuntu server running on a Raspberry Pi 4. This script will be copied to my device over SSH and will initialize and install all necessary components to open a Firefox browser in kiosk mode. Your tasks will include: - Creating a bash script that sets up Firefox in kiosk mode - Installing necessary packages and dependencies - Configuring the script to prevent the device from sleeping - Setting the screen to rotate Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive knowledge of bash scripting - Experience with Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi - Familiarity with configuring Firefox in kiosk mode - Previous work in setting up security features for kiosk systems - Ability to customize display settings through a script Please note, the script will...
I'm in need of a skilled Firefox extension developer who can help me with a specific functionality for my project. I need the firefox extension code that can automate the submit click event. The extension needs to: - Automatically click a button to submit a form when a user checks the autofill checkbox in a popup window. Ideal candidates should have prior experience in developing Firefox extensions and a solid understanding of JavaScript and web technologies. Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal.
...for contracts and management of legal documents. - Payment and finance: Manage payments (maintenance fees, insurance, fuel) among co-owners and integrate with online payment solutions. - Security and compliance: Protect users' personal and financial data and comply with GDPR requirements. 2. Functional Scope 2.1. Front-end The platform must be accessible from any modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) as well as through a mobile application (iOS and Android). The user interface (UI) must be intuitive, ergonomic, and offer smooth navigation. Features to develop: - Registration and Login: Allow users to create an account, log in using email and password, or via third-party services like Google or Facebook. - User Dashboard: Display a dashboard summarizing inform...
I'm experiencing Content Security Policy (CSP) errors on my website Specific Issues: - Script errors: I'm encountering script errors due to the current CSP. - Port Access: The site is unable to access port 3001. These issues are occurring across all major browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. To replicate the errors please visit Login as test'at', password 'Test', and visit the invoice page to see the errors. The ideal candidate will be able to fix the CSP to work with existing scripts. Alternatively, the scripts can be changed to match the CSP requirements. It's up to the candidate to decide on what approach to take.
I've deployed a project on Cloud Run that tracks user interactions on my website via Facebook's server. However, I'm encountering an Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue, even though server tracking seems to be working fine. I need someone with expertise in CORS policy implementation to assist me in resolvin...seems to be working fine. I need someone with expertise in CORS policy implementation to assist me in resolving this issue. Key Requirements: - Proficient in CORS policy implementation - Experience with Google Cloud Run - Knowledgeable in server-side configurations - Able to troubleshoot and resolve CORS related issues Please note, the website is primarily accessed via Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. I have full control over the server where the Cloud...
Optimización de sitio web en Wordpress y cache
I'm seeking a comprehensive email list of teachers and educators from primarily the US, but also around the world, who are interested in incorporating Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs) or other games into their teaching methodologies. The primary use for this email list will be for promotional campaigns related to an upcoming Kickstarter project focused on such educational tools. Ideal expertise for this project includes: - Proficiency in data sourcing and list building - Prior experience targeting educational professionals - Understanding of tabletop RPGs and their educational potential - Knowledge of international educators networks. Your role will be crucial in enabling me to reach out to this specific audience.
I'm looking for an experienced system administrator to set up the NGINX cache configuration on my dedicated server . Objectives: - Reduce server load . - Implement page caching for WordPress websites . - Set up automatic cache purging . Ideal skills and experience: - Strong knowledge and experience with NGINX - Expertise in configuring server for WordPress - Experience with cache configuration and management - Ability to set up automatic cache purging
I'm looking for a comprehensive website tester to evaluate 15 pages of my site. The focus is on functionality, user experience, and compatibility. Test the website across various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) and browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari). Ideal Skills: - Website testing experience - Excellent understanding of functionality, user experience, and compatibility - Proficiency in testing across different devices and browsers.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. A problem occurred configuring project ':pusher_channels_flutter'. > Could not create an instance of type > Namespace not specified. Specify a namespace in the module's build file: C:UsersHarshAppDataLocalPubCachehostedpusher_channels_flutter-2.2.1androidbuild.gradle. See for information about setting the namespace.
...evidence of this by showing that the checksum of the original file matches the checksum of the decompressed file. Scalability: The algorithm should efficiently handle files ranging from 1MB to 100MB without significant loss in compression efficiency or speed. Decompression Speed: The decompression of a 1MB file should occur within 2 seconds in a standard web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) on both desktop and mobile devices. Documentation: Clear and comprehensive documentation explaining the approach, implementation details, and how the algorithm applies Kolmogorov-inspired principles. Contest Guidelines: Innovation & Originality: The solution should introduce new methods or improvements beyond existing compression techniques li...
we are in need of a pop-up blocker that can be implemented on both mobile and desktop devices. The pop-up blocker should specifically target notifications, not advertisements. Key Requirements: - Compatibility with multiple browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Mozilla, and Opera. - Effectiveness in blocking notifications pop-ups across different device platforms. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in cross-platform application development. - Proficiency in browser compatibility testing. - Prior work in pop-up or notification blockers would be highly advantageous. Any code is suitable , we want the finished article to be the worlds best YOU will know that entails , we do not , it will be marketed as the worlds best , if you do NOT know what is required , please do not ...
I am looking for a comprehensive and targeted email list of meal-kit subscribers in the United States for my email marketing campaigns. Email lists for subscribers of popular meal-kit companies such as Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, Home Chef, Martha Spoon, etc will be needed. Additionallly, subscriber list for factory meals such as Freshly, Feast and Fettle, Hello Fresh, The Farmer's Dog, etc will be acceptable. I WANT TO HIRE SOMEONE WHO HAS THESE LISTS ALREADY OR CAN CREATE THEM READILY. No data gathering.
I'm looking for a professional who can create a custom Word template for an equipment list that I currently have in Excel. This template will be used to list various electronics from client to client and needs to be more sophisticated than my current version. Key Details: - The template should be in a table format. - It should include various categories for each piece of equipment: Category Name, Manufacturer (either RTI or Blustream), Product Description (short description of product), Quantity (numerical, may have a range such as 3-8), Long Description (full description about the product, 20-80 words), Product Link (a link that says "Product Link" but can link to a long URL), and Comments (20-80 words). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Microsof...
I'm looking for a comprehensive list of top Chinese real estate influencers on 抖音 (TikTok), Weibo, Bilibili, as well as any other Chinese social media. Key Requirements: - Influencers should primarily produce content focused on property tours - List must include influencer name, platform, follower count, and content style - Prioritize influencers with the largest followings and highest engagement rates (followers, views, comments) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in social media research - Familiarity with Chinese social media landscape - Ability to analyze and interpret social media metrics