I need an elegant landing page with (probably) just a few subpages. This is to be created of SquareSpace Platform. It is therefore important that the landing page gives a professional impression. The audience of the site are restaurant owners whom we want to use our services to increase their revenue by enabling them to sell at more locations 24/7.
At the top center of the landing page, you should reserve a place-holder for an explainer video (this is currently developed by other team).
Only freelancer that have experience and expertise on SquareSpace platform should join. You should have a good technical skill (i.e. create parallax scrolling) and good English (i.e. there is nothing worse than a website full of typo and grammatical mistakes).
The winner will transfer all their design & mockup from the temporary squarespace site (you can create a free trial account at squarespace) to my company squarespace account. Winner can also expect more hourly jobs to refine the site further.
Participating freelancers are strongly encourage to PM me (search Darwin Gosal on Google) for more detail on the business model (which is important to make the relevant illustration).
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