Compare sites & Features + Add instructions, screenshots, set Examples & Prepare 2 Instruction Books on Said Materials
$250-750 USD
Data postării: peste 2 ani în urmă
$250-750 USD
Plata la predare
### *** Here, the developer does not require to Develop any website;
Instead, It has asked to Prepare a Report based on the Below said materials (on the Provided 90 Pg. Document ) and Prepare 2 "Instruction Books" for PHP Developers on How the PHP Developer will Work for a Project/ Website. **** ###
***** The Present developer Must have the Enough Understanding & Skills on PHP, JavaScript etc. & other Basic Web & Apps developments. *****
Compare with other Rivals:
Compare with 5 Legal Software websites & suggest how to add ( which kind of code can be used from [login to view URL] or others etc. ) all the missing features to ; also explain the : ; https://www.................../ ; https://www...............n ;
QuickBooks API Customization Instructions:
Find the Relevant features from the website & probable market & get Missing features names & add suggestions to customize name of the features.
Other themes:
Where & how to add the Woo Wonder theme’s[ [login to view URL] ] All the Features – with Photo examples (Apply your Intelligence & see the 90 Pages Examples- how to prepare Instructions for the PHP & Design Developer)
Where & how to add the Ask me theme’s All the Features- Set Photo examples (Use your ideas as well).
90 Pages Documents
Need to add new + Missing Features from the above Said websites+ customize & modify approximate 70 pages Instruction’s document & also combine with the report (the Analysis Report + Instructions will be based on above said websites + Said Instructions at the Provided 90 Pages Documents – which also includes 3rd Party Websites + Scripts etc.) : Go One By One Point / Paragraphs – Copy, Edit, Paste the Screenshots (take from said & other websites) or sketch ( if does not exist examples).
Also more details & 90 Pages Document is available on request. *** # Some of the examples of the 90 Pages can be found at attachment.# ***
Developer Need to Sign NDA + IP Agreement
Thanks in Advance
Hi, there!
I have understood what you focus on.
I think I can write 90 page documentation you want.
As a developer who is good in website development, I am also good in writing technical docs.
Please contact me.