Freelancer Ratings
A freelancer’s ratings help clients evaluate their overall performance on The higher the ratings, the more credible and trustworthy a freelancer becomes towards clients.
On the Profile page
The ratings shown on a freelancer’s Profile page are calculated from all the projects the freelancer have worked on on the site. Note that the computation is not just a simple average of the ratings the freelancer get in his projects, but rather involves a complex computation. The weight of a freelancer's rating per project may vary due to several factors - like project amount and completion time.
1. Average Star Rating - The overall star ratings given by the clients a freelancer has worked for (5 stars being the highest).
2. Number of Reviews - The total number of reviews received from previous clients.
3. Earnings Score - This represents a freelancer’s overall earnings from all the projects completed and paid on the site.
4. Accept Rate - A measure of how likely a freelancer is to accept an awarded project.
5. Jobs Completed - The freelancer’s success rate in completing projects.
6. On Time - The percentage of projects wherein the clients believe that a freelancer completed their project on the agreed deadline.
7. On Budget - The percentage of projects wherein the clients believe that a freelancer completed their project for the agreed price.
8. Repeat Hire Rate - The rate at which a freelancer is rehired by previous clients.
On the bid list of the project
Freelancer ratings are also shown on a freelancer’s bid card on the projects that they bid on: Average Star Rating, Earnings Score, number of reviews, and Completion Rate.
The ratings displayed here, however, are taken from their previous projects which share skills required as the project they placed a bid on.