Philips Micro Controller P89V51RD2FN Development Board

de către hitswa
Philips Micro Controller P89V51RD2FN Development Board
Philips Micro Controller P89V51RD2FN Development Board
Philips Micro Controller P89V51RD2FN Development Board

Circuit was designed on reputed industrial software Protal 99 SE and it is designed for Philips micro controller P89V51RD2FN. for IC flashing MAX232 based DB 9-pin [RS232] is used. after development its prototype has also been fabricate by myself only

image of username hitswa Flag of India Delhi, India

Despre mine

I am a chain entrepreneur and a developer by will. Having 8+ year of experience in working with different technologies, Have my identity as Independent researcher, Mentor, IoT Influancer, enthusiastic entrepreneur, developer, designer and Product Engineer

USD25 USD/oră

