Freelancer: daveynishad
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Hi. My name is Nishad. I am also based out of Chennai. I have written several such posts for my own start-up ( which I have now left to focus on writing, full time. Since you have not mentioned a maximum limit on words, I have tried to be as detailed as possible and hence at some point, it may seem too basic. However, I have tried to stick to your requirements of direct-to-the-point and one-thing-at-a-time. If you find my work to be something you can work with along with inputs from you, I can also be available for a personal discussion at your premises.

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  • wlcontact
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 4 ani

    Thank you Nishad,

    Here's my feedback:
    - You have elaborated on parts which are not necessary. Like the payment area (ccavenue explanation) which is not necessary.

    - Avoid words like 'content management system', adjacent, etc.

    • acum 4 ani