1. Locul doi
    număr intrare 53
    Graphic Design Intrarea #53 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #53 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #53 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #53 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #53 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #53 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #53 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    1 Apreciere
  2. Locul doi
    număr intrare 49
    Graphic Design Intrarea #49 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #49 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    1 Apreciere
  3. Locul doi
    număr intrare 48
    Graphic Design Intrarea #48 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #48 pentru concursul „Competition -  winner gets £640 - for the winning blue sky thinking and top level creative ideas”
    0 Aprecieri pozitive