Freelancer: lahiruCAD
Semnalează intrarea

Deploying and folding

Hi, Please see this entry with screen shots while animating. As I noted early, this cant folder like origami since there is thickness. This is one of my idea of folding and I can work with more options. Please rate and comment on this so I can reach to your requirements easily. Thank you, Kind regards Lahiru

Intrarea #7 pentru concursul „                                                NASA Contest: 3D CAD Models of Different Radiation Shielding Concepts

Panoul public de clarificare

  • nasacoeci
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 6 ani

    looks good

    • acum 6 ani
    1. lahiruCAD
      • acum 6 ani

      Thank you..

      • acum 6 ani