1. Locul doi
    număr intrare 22
    Graphic Design Intrarea #22 pentru concursul „Need to make a label very fast. I will cut the contest very fast”
    0 Aprecieri pozitive
  2. Locul doi
    număr intrare 16
    Graphic Design Intrarea #16 pentru concursul „Need to make a label very fast. I will cut the contest very fast”
    0 Aprecieri pozitive
  3. Locul doi
    număr intrare 13
    Graphic Design Intrarea #13 pentru concursul „Need to make a label very fast. I will cut the contest very fast”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #13 pentru concursul „Need to make a label very fast. I will cut the contest very fast”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #13 pentru concursul „Need to make a label very fast. I will cut the contest very fast”
    0 Aprecieri pozitive
  4. Locul doi
    număr intrare 11
    Graphic Design Intrarea #11 pentru concursul „Need to make a label very fast. I will cut the contest very fast”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #11 pentru concursul „Need to make a label very fast. I will cut the contest very fast”
    Graphic Design Intrarea #11 pentru concursul „Need to make a label very fast. I will cut the contest very fast”
    0 Aprecieri pozitive