Freelancer: HamzaShz
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Happy V-6

Hi, I've updated it according to your requirements, square rather than rectangular and the color tone you've sent me. I've tried couple of color combination of blue. One thing to notice, just because the background is darker so only light blue color I think work well. But I've sent you couple of color variations. You will find out the minimum size of the logo usage as an icon. I hope it will help and make sense. Looking forward to hearing from you.. Thank You!

Intrarea #75 pentru concursul „                                                create a visual/logo "happy luggage"

Panoul public de clarificare

  • bjornbrandt
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 4 ani

    That looks very interesting. Thank you for your many efforts. I will need to try out a few things to figure out in my mind what makes most sense...

    • acum 4 ani
    1. HamzaShz
      • acum 4 ani

      Yeah Sure,
      Try your best buddy

      • acum 4 ani