Freelancer: janikasika
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Tried to take into account all your requirements. Attached 2 variants with more flowing font and regular font. Hope you like it!

Intrarea #20 pentru concursul „                                                Design a Powerpoint Template, Word document template and email signature

Panoul public de clarificare

  • cherylmatthews
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 9 ani

    thanks for the changes. Word: my contact details are too fare down the page. the watermark needs to be centred and in colour. the font on both designs looks blurry and am still looking for something that is not so plain and has a nice feel about it. are you able to change the red line to a purple on the design. Email sig: no watermark needed here and same comments on the font as per word document. also the red line changing to a purple. PPt watermark on the second slide needs to be centred and coloured. can we change the single red line at the top to the green and the red line at the bottom to the purple. same comment with the font of the tag line as per word document. thanks

    • acum 9 ani
    1. janikasika
      • acum 9 ani

      Thank you for feedback. Tried to take into account all your comments and tried different fonts. Please, check entry #29 and #30 . Thanks)

      • acum 9 ani