Freelancer: khanriazbd
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Zoom Whitening Ad Creation

I'm pleased to inform you that the design is fully editable and can be customized according to your preferences. I am looking forward to hearing from you and working closely to finalize the design. Thank you for your time, and I remain at your service. Thank You

Intrarea #137 pentru concursul „                                                Zoom Whitening Ad Creation
Intrarea #137

Panoul public de clarificare

  • smiraim
    Titularul concursului
    • acum 2 luni

    I love how the doctor looks here! Can you put in our logo on the top. I want the discount section to be larger ad the tag line to be smaller.

    • acum 2 luni
    1. khanriazbd
      • acum 2 luni

      Thanks for your feedback, can you please share your logo.

      • acum 2 luni