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Proven Expertise in AEC

$50 USD/oră
United Kingdom (7:55 p.m.)
S-a alăturat pe aprilie 26, 2016
$50 USD/oră
Hi there, Thank you for visiting my profile. My name is Simon, I specialize in architecture, structural engineering, and construction consultancy work. I have over ten years of experience in the construction industry. I am confident I have the necessary qualifications and experience to help you with your project. The skillsets under which I offer services include: ✅Architectural and structural drafting using AutoCAD, ✅Building Information Modeling [BIM] using Revit and ArchiCAD, ✅Shop drawings production using Tekla Structures and Advance Steel, ✅Structural analysis and design using hand calculations and various tools such as Excel and MathCAD, ✅Structural modeling, analysis, and design using Tedds, Tekla Structural Designer, Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis, and Dlubal RFEM among others. I am able to design RC, steel, timber, and masonry structures. ✅Finite Element Modeling and analysis usingStrand7 ✅Technical writing; ✅Geotechnical analysis and design; ✅Professional construction claims preparation; Feel free to request samples of work done previously under the abovementioned skillsets. Most of the work I am currently doing in the UK entails planning approval drawings for repurposing conversion, new builds, and renovations; calculations and drawings for loft conversions, additions, and load-bearing wall(s) removal. In the last couple of years, I have been able to provide stamped drawings by working with licensed partners in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and several US States, including California, Texas, Nevada, Oregon, New York, and Arizona among others. I look forward to working with you. Thanks. Simon.
La timp
96 %
Conform bugetului
96 %
Rata de acceptare
90 %
Rata de angajare repetată
24 %

